Hawley Pilates Class Descriptions
Mixed Level Tower Class
Tower class for different levels.Maximum 5 people.
*The client must have done evaluation session and introductory special before signing up for this class!
In this class, the client does take on the responsibility of changing and returning all springs and other apparatus to its original location.
Int/Advanced Tower Class
Tower Class utilizes the wall units to integrate some of the ever so popular Cadillac exercises in a group class setting. The springs of the Tower help to articulate, stretch and stabilize your spine. This workout requires more control than your regular mat class, but with the help of the tower, it will improve your flexibility and strength even further. Client must have previous Tower experience before signing up for the Group Class. Please contact the owner of the Studio to schedule a private session before signing up for a Group Tower.
Mat/Wunda Chair Class
This class is a mixed level mat class with the addition of some of the wunda chair exercises! You will be able to experience the wunda chair in a safe environment.
Mixed Mat/ Small Apparatus Class
A more challenging mat class ! We will start with the matwork and add weights, springs, wunda chair, power circle, or resistance bands. That's the fun of it, It's a surprise every class!